People don't talk to brands. They talk to people... and animals. One size fits all is done. Consumers want respect, recognition and relevant communication through experiences that are personally relevant, memorable, sensory and emotionally meaningful. BORiS is an engagement marketing agency, specialized in live communication, brand activation and content- and event marketing. We create experiences that turn prospects into advocates. Strategically well thought through and perfectly executed. We work directly for advertisers as well as for communication agencies who don’t have the field execution in house. At BORiS, we like to be involved early in the process to offer an A to Z service. From crisp strategic and creative recommendations based of clear insights to perfect execution and follow up. Meet the team of experienced marketing professionals and young go-getters. Boris talks to people. Looking forward to creating memories with you. Boredom is out.

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1 review on Wasserman Benelux

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Dorien De Kort
Expert|DOCK 3|

Great & original events!

It is always a pleasure to work with Boris Agency! Original events that blow us away every time!

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Activities Wasserman Benelux

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Belgium
Promotion Team | Event Marketing | Product Launches | Private Parties Organization