Accessibility policy is dedicated to making its website user-friendly and accessible to everyone. This policy outlines our ongoing efforts to comply with the EU web accessibility directive. Pink Minds Media bv manages this website.

This accessibility statement applies to and all its localised versions.

Compliance status

This website partially complies with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, conformance level 'AA'. For more details, see the 'Non-accessible content' section. We are committed to continuously improving our compliance.

Since is a large platform developed over 20 years by a small, dedicated team, this effort will take time. As a micro-enterprise, we are not obliged to comply with the Accessibility Act. However, we believe our responsibility is to serve our community, so we voluntarily invest in accessibility improvements. Our goal is to achieve full compliance by the end of 2030. Initially, we will prioritise enhancing the accessibility of key areas of our website, such as ticket ordering screens, which serve a broader audience. Afterwards, we will extend these improvements to other sections of our site.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to make our platform accessible to more people every day.

Preparation of this statement

This statement was prepared on 01/08/2024 by Pink Minds Media. We last reviewed it on 01/08/2024.


We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of our platform. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers and how we can be of help:

  • Phone: +32 3 535 00 00 (Phone support is available in Dutch and English)
  • E-mail:

We'll consider your request and get back to you in 15 days.

Non-accessible content

Despite our best efforts to ensure the accessibility of the website, we are aware of some limitations and are working to fix them.

Below is a description of known limitations and potential solutions. If you need help with an issue listed below, please contact us. We will update the list should we discover more limitations.

Known limitations for the website:

  • We know that the contrast ratio in many parts of our platform isn't high enough. We are developing a 'high contrast' mode for users needing higher contrast levels.
  • Some audiovisual content may not be fully optimised, including: Some images may lack meaningful descriptions, while purely decorative images may be visible to screen readers; Some images may need more contrast; Some videos may contain text information with only a musical soundtrack, without narration or text transcripts;
  • In some cases, keyboard navigation may need fixing.
  • User-generated content: Our platform hosts significant content uploaded by users and event businesses. We are not responsible for this content and cannot ensure its compliance. However, we are developing tools to help content creators, such as options to add descriptions to their uploaded images.

Technical specifications

The accessibility of the website relies on the following technologies to function with your web browser and any assistive technologies or plugins installed on your computer:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
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