Evaluate your event? It's a matter of just doing it. With the things you learn, you can make your next event even better. These companies specialised in event evaluation will help you with this.

Evalato is a next-gen submission and evaluation platform for awards, contests, grants, applications, call for papers, scholarships, employee recognition, funding and other programs.
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More results worldwide
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With our online tool you can collect registrations or feedback for an event. This can be done by inviting your contacts via e-mail, flyer, letter or SMS or by approaching them via iPad, column, QR code or form. Results available in real time.
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Safe Event De Winter bv
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MeetingMatters | MeetingMonitor
Countless meetings and events are organized, but are we always aware of the added value they deliver? MeetingMonitor evaluations and impact measurement helps organizers and meeting owners to make objectives measurable and results transparent.
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Marijn Producties provides the (technical) production and support of both theater performances and events. Marijn Producties produces events from concept to execution.
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The numbers tell the tale. Without collecting feedback from your guests or visitors, it is impossible to adjust your event and make it even better. Standing still is going backwards! A good evaluation of your event will help you understand what worked but, above all, what did not and whether you have met the expectations of your guests and participants, for example, if you are organising a conference.
There are also many important organisational elements to question when evaluating your event: was your marketing effective and efficient, did you manage to stay within your budget, had you put together the right event team? An experienced partner for this part of your event organisation can be found in the list below.
From data to insights
You can collect feedback in many ways. By simply observing during your event or asking your guests on site for feedback via a promotion team, kiosk, QR code, or online or paper form. Closed and open questions are possible. Via a survey tool, you can also ask for useful information after your company event or party. Questions that you can ask via web-based survey tools are about the event location and facilities, the catering, the quality of the speakers and artists, and the event as a whole. A good question is also how likely they would recommend your event to friends and family.
All this data is neatly processed and poured into a detailed report. You can use this report as a kind of manual to make the next edition and every event even better. Keep your questionnaire clear and short and don't ask for information that you already know. This comes across as unprofessional and, above all, disturbing. Nor is it necessary, because when analysing your results, you can extract this data from your contact information.
Also, in this event evaluation survey, thank your guests right away for coming and explain why their feedback is important. Tip: to increase participation in your event evaluation, offering a (small) incentive when your guests complete the event evaluation works wonders.
Internal evaluation event
But your colleagues also have valuable views on your event and its internal organisation. Organise the survey as soon as possible, so everything is still fresh in their minds. Choose the evaluation method that suits your event team and their agendas. This can be done face to face, but also via an online meeting, or an event evaluation form. Also, don't limit your event evaluation to the final evaluation. Also keep an eye out during your event.
Question no-shows
What else can you do? Conduct a survey among your guests or visitors who did not show up. The results of this survey will then give you valuable insight. And did you have (paying) exhibitors at your fair? Then you can also measure their satisfaction. What did they think about the fair, the participants and the returns they made?
Evaluation event on the schedule?
Your event is over. Your goal now is to get as much feedback from your participants or guests as possible. How are you going to handle that? And how are you going to find a partner who can help you with this? Asking around in your network? Searching the internet? We know a faster and more effective method to do an evaluation of a conference or other event: searching in the list provided! The eventplanner.net team carefully put this together for you. A tip: with the filters, you can find who/what you are looking for even faster.
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