What are the specifications and size for uploading photos to posts?

When uploading photos to posts on eventplanner.co.uk, there are several important specifications to keep in mind:

Image size and aspect ratio

The recommended image size is 1640 × 1072 pixels. Any other size will be automatically cut to fit these dimensions. For the best results, ensure your images are this exact size.

File format

It is best to upload your images in .jpg format with maximum quality to ensure they look their best on our platform.

Text & other overlays

While you are allowed to use text overlays on your images, we do not recommend it. Posts with text overlays generally see lower engagement. Additionally, our editing team prefers real photos for featuring in our weekly newsletter, which showcases the most interesting posts published.

Image rights

You must have the rights to any images you upload on our website. This includes having approval from any individuals who appear in the images. For more information, please refer to our Terms of Use.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure your posts look their best and have the potential to be featured in our weekly newsletter. Happy posting!