Event Design Collective Nederland

Event Design Collective Nederland

Event Design Collective Nederland
  • Koppels 17, 7006 AN , Doetinchem, Netherlands

Want to learn how to strategically deploy (online) events, especially now? Get to know the Event Design Methodology.

The Event Design methodology uses the Event Canvas TM and is based on Design Thinking. It gives teams the opportunity to design in a playful and yet structured way. As a user recently described “the Event Canvas TM is a super handy analog tool to map the history of our event, organize the present and plan the future”.

The methodology is comprehensive and works with Stakeholder Allignment, Empathy mapping, and #EventCanvas, among others.

In order to introduce as many people as possible to the methodology, we regularly organize introductory sessions, guest lectures and Level 1 training courses in which the basic applications become clear (see below for data).

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Event Design Collective Nederland
Training Event Design Certificate, Level 1 - Monday, September 7, 2020 - Noordwijk, The Netherlands
7 September 2020

Time investment: 1 day from 0900 - 1700 hours on Monday 7 September 2020 Location: Huis ter Duin, Noordwijk, The Netherlands Investment: € 595.00 excluding VAT including 30 minutes 1-on-1 zoom coaching, including Level 1 certificate The program is for game changers who would like to learn a practical method to understand and design events with the #EventCanvas and the ...

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Activities Event Design Collective Nederland

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | West-Vlaanderen | Namen | Gelderland | Noord-Brabant | Noord-Holland | Utrecht | Zuid-Holland | Belgium | Netherlands
Organization of conferences and seminars