Events Road

Events Road

Events Road
  • Calle Basauri 17, 28023 Madrid, Spain

EventsRoad is the best platform and the best team to create, manage and produce customized virtual, hybrid and face-to-face events: virtual fairs, corporate congresses, conventions or galas.

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Events Road
Digital Events
18 January 2022

Our platform for digital events allows their organization and execution thanks to our own customized software that allows you to develop talks, presentations or round tables in streaming to be viewed live by unlimited audiences connected simultaneously.

+Digital events

+Digital congresses

+Digital fairs

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Sinds 2010 biedt Halito! event professionals ondersteuning bij de organisatie van events. Beheer je uitnodigingen, gastenlijsten, (no)shows, enquêtes en statistieken in één overzichtelijk platform.

Conference Compass

Professionele congres apps, lokaal en off-line, maar altijd up-to-date met programma updates. Interactief, persoonlijk, sociaal en een geweldig sponsorplatform.

Savvy Congress

Savvy Congress biedt voor u de oplossing als het gaat om online en hybride evenementen. Met Savvy heeft u een online platform voor uw vergaderingen, bijeenkomsten of andere evenementen. Hierin zit de livestream geïntegreerd en staat interactie centraal.


Eventregistratie zonder gedoe! Met Momice alles-in-1 software beheer je als event professional eenvoudig zelf je bezoekersregistratie, mailings, uitnodigingen, event website en event enquêtes vanuit 1 gebruiksvriendelijke tool.

Characteristics Events Road


web browser 



email marketing 

live streaming 

virtual trade show 

Activities Events Road

Activity regions:
Alabama | Alaska | Albania | Alberta | Andalusia | Aragon | Arizona | Arkansas | Asturias | Baden-Württemberg | Balearic Islands | Basque Country | Bavaria | Berlin | Brandenburg | Bremen | British Columbia | California | Canada | Canary Islands | Cantabria | Castille and León | Castille-La Mancha | Catalonia | Ceuta | Colorado | Connecticut | Cyprus | Delaware | District Of Columbia | England | Extremadura | Florida | Galicia | Georgia | Germany | Hamburg | Hawaii | Hesse | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | La Rioja | Louisiana | Lower Saxony | Madrid | Maine | Manitoba | Maryland | Massachusetts | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Melilla | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Monaco | Montana | Murcia | Navarre | Nebraska | Nevada | New Brunswick | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | Newfoundland and Labrador | North Carolina | North Dakota | North Rhine-Westphalia | Northern Ireland | Northwest Territories | Nova Scotia | Nunavut | Ohio | Oklahoma | Ontario | Oregon | Paraguay | Pennsylvania | Prince Edward Island | Quebec | Rheinland-Pfalz | Rhode Island | Saarland | Saskatchewan | Saxony | Saxony-Anhalt | Schleswig-Holstein | Scotland | South Carolina | South Dakota | Spain | Tennessee | Texas | Thuringia | United Kingdom | USA | Utah | Valencia | Vermont | Virginia | Wales | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming | Yukon
Virtual events platform