Le Village Espaces Événementiels

  • 31 Allée Jules Guesde, 31000 Toulouse, France

Explore the Event Spaces Village in Toulouse, a vibrant 500 m² ecosystem. From outdoor meeting spaces to start-up work zones, every corner exudes creativity. The Auditorium and Village Square are perfect for seminars, conferences, or meetings. Dive into innovative team buildings, explore the Lab, or opt for memorable corporate evenings in the Place du Village, an atypical space on two levels. Modern equipment, fiber optics, and tailor-made services ensure the success of your events. At the Village, imagination is the only limit in a setting where every detail inspires the exceptional.

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Activities Le Village Espaces Événementiels

Activity regions:
France | Upper Garonne
Event Venues Rental in Toulouse | Event Venues Rental