Bar bon

Bar bon

Bar bon
  • Reibroekstraat 33, 9940 Evergem, Belgium

Bar bon is known for its delicious craft cocktails. No mixers made in advance, but drinks prepared for you, à la second.

Bar bon is a cozy bar in Evergem, near Ghent. We are a cozy coffee cocktail bar, started in March 2019.

We also give workshops throughout Flanders and deliver cocktails to your home.

Our mobile bar was founded during corona and became active in summer 2021.

Every year we perform at rock for specials, at street parties and as guests at Zomerbar Compot.

Are you looking for a mobile bar that makes delicious craft cocktails? We take your festival, event or party to a higher level! From Mojito to Pink Dragon! We are happy to discuss your and our options! Say What?

Some suggestions to make it completely FINISH! TIKIBAR mai tai, Zombie,loko lé,chief lapu lapu., LOVE BAR Cosmo, pornstar martini, sex on the beach... ELECTRIC CHIC long island ice T, Dark, stormy... COCO BAR all in a coconut FRAISE D' AMOUR everything with strawberries.

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Activities Bar bon

Activity regions:
Belgium | Antwerpen | Limburg | Oost-Vlaanderen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | West-Vlaanderen
Cocktail Catering | Team building