La Péniche Le Chaland

  • ‎ Avenue Edouard Droz, Pont de Bregille, 25000 Besançon, France

Embark aboard La Péniche Le Chaland, an exceptional place in the heart of Besançon. Located on the peaceful waters of the Doubs, this barge-restaurant promises you an unforgettable experience. Imagine organizing your event in a unique setting, where the charm of tradition blends with contemporary elegance. Whether for a wedding, a birthday party or a professional meeting, Le Chaland offers a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Enjoy fine dining while admiring the city's picturesque views. With its central location, La Péniche Le Chaland is easily accessible, adding a touch of magic to every occasion. Book now and make your event a memorable moment on the waters of the Doubs.

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Activities La Péniche Le Chaland

Activity regions:
France | Doubs
Event Venues Rental in Besançon | Event Venues Rental