La Maison de l'Économie

  • 46 Avenue Villarceau, 25000 Besançon, France

The Maison de l'Économie in Besançon is an excellent choice for organizing professional events.

With its modern and modular spaces, its tailor-made services and its cutting-edge technical equipment, it offers everything you could need for training, meetings, congresses or seminars.

Located near Viotte train station and a five-minute walk from the city center, it has more than 1,500 m² of conference spaces, access to the CCI's private parking and an on-site cafeteria.

In addition, it offers videoconferencing, streaming, capture, duplex, audio and video recording options, making it a connected and strategic location for your professional events.

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Activities La Maison de l'Économie

Activity regions:
France | Doubs
Event Venues Rental in Besançon | Event Venues Rental