Get real-time updates on your guest list with Save The Date, the premier RSVP app

You can create your event for free!

Thousands of users have already used Save The Date App to manage and RSVP their guests to their events.

Create your free Rsvp website and share it for free with your family and friends by Whatsapp or , starting at a single charge of 7 USD, you can send Sms text messages to all your guests requesting them to RSVP to the event, all that with a single mouse click. We also offer Rsvp by Whatsapp so your guests can receive a styled invitation for your event.

Your guest need only to reply to the text message with the amount of guest that will attend the event or go to the Rsvp website and Rsvp.

All Rsvps will display in your account within seconds!

Create your event in Save The Date and we'll give you tools to plan and manage it, including:

Save the Date online page, Rsvp website, Guest lists management, Guests RSVP,

Expense tracking, Seating arrangements, Wedding invitations using text messages and more.

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Is this your business? Upgrade your business page and the link to your website will appear for all our visitors.

  • Business pages starting at € 25 / month
  • TOP ranking in our search engine
  • Access to reviews, post jobs, ...

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Sinds 2010 biedt Halito! event professionals ondersteuning bij de organisatie van events. Beheer je uitnodigingen, gastenlijsten, (no)shows, enquêtes en statistieken in één overzichtelijk platform.

The Frontline Company

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Eventregistratie zonder gedoe! Met Momice alles-in-1 software beheer je als event professional eenvoudig zelf je bezoekersregistratie, mailings, uitnodigingen, event website en event enquêtes vanuit 1 gebruiksvriendelijke tool.


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Activities Save The Date

Activity regions:
Event app | Ticketing and Event Registration
rsvp website | guests rsvp | seating arrangements | save the date online page | guest lists management | expense tracking | wedding invitations