
  • Elizabethlaan 116-118, 8300 Knokke-Heist, Belgium

Meet WESound light and sound rental. For every event for every application. WESound offers a wide range of professional playback equipment, mixing consoles and sound cabinets. WESound also rents out plenty of light. Offers a wide choice of theater spotlights, roboscans, moving heads and architectural lighting complete with controls and dimmers. You can say anything for a successful performance, sensational acts and crazy parties. WESound advises and assists. In addition to first-class equipment, also 'supplies' the right people. Skilled in installation, skilled in operation. We can create spectacles together with you.

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1 review on WESound

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Simon Coene

Good service and quality

Good service and very good price / quality!

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Een proffesieonele all-in one licht- en geluidsinstallatie volledig aangepast aan elke evenement groot en klein.

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Activities WESound

Activity regions:
West-Vlaanderen | Belgium
Lighting and Sound Systems Rental