Duurt & CO Tentverhuur

Duurt & CO Tentverhuur

Duurt & CO Tentverhuur
  • 2e Schansstraat 52, 3025 XP Rotterdam, Netherlands

Duurt & CO Tentverhuur focuses on the rental of striking, colorful tents for all kinds of parties, events and festivals.

  • 'Dwarves' are switchable hexagonal pagoda tents with a yellow frame, a red / cream striped roof and a wooden decking. A particularly attractive solution for a terrace or for many other applications.
  • Original music kiosks, for small performances and presentations. Or, as ever intended, for the concert band.
  • 'De Beurs', a large, high tent with a free span of 12 meters for, for example, a presentation or for a theater performance, to be completed with a stage and a grandstand with seating for up to 350 people.
  • Span tents are easy to build tents for a wide variety of purposes, such as first pile festivities, birthdays and performances.

We supply tents to renowned events in the Netherlands and Belgium such as Lowlands and Terschellings Oerol, Christmas markets in Dordrecht, Sint-Niklaas and Boom and many, many other places. Our materials meet the highest safety standards and we are a member of the Industry Association of Dutch Tent Rental Companies, the TVD.

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Onze doelstelling? Het verhuren van kwaliteitsvolle tenten en materialen voor elk soort evenement en dit tegen schappelijke prijzen!

Characteristics Duurt & CO Tentverhuur

Type of tent

span tent 

party tent 

festival tent 

Activities Duurt & CO Tentverhuur

Activity regions:
Gelderland | Limburg | Utrecht | Zuid-Holland | Netherlands
Tent Rentals