You have certainly considered it before: live music at your event! Perhaps you had doubts about the quality of the band, do you usually find orchestras too loud, not stylish enough, too serious or too expensive?
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It is on all these points that The Almost Swinging Jazz Band wants to make the difference: an authentic Dixieland band that brings the typical jazz music from the 1920s-1930s, in a good mood and in an impeccable outfit. Ideal as a background orchestra during receptions.
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The Almost Swinging Jazz Band mainly brings dixieland and swing (easily digestible feel-good jazz) in different settings and thus for everyone's budget. Because it may be a cliché: a live orchestra has more atmosphere anyway!
On our site you will find all practical information, photos, videos, listening examples, etc. Would you like to see us at work? Then contact us for our next performance in your area.
Contact us for a free quote.
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1 review on Almost Swinging Jazz Band
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Characteristics Almost Swinging Jazz Band
- Music genre band
Activities Almost Swinging Jazz Band
- Activity regions:
- Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Limburg | Henegouwen | Luik | Luxemburg | Namen | Waals-Brabant [+Bruxelles] | Belgium
- Activities:
- Live Bands
Recommended !!
We had of course already checked you thoroughly on your site, but we were completely surprised when we arrived in our wedding hall: completely and musically so infectious! We could not have imagined our day more beautiful, absolutely recommended !!
Maarten & Elien
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We hadden jullie vooraf natuurlijk al uitvoerig gecheckt op jullie site, maar toch waren we compleet verrast toen we aankwamen in onze trouwzaal: compleet áf en muzikaal zo aanstekelijk! We hadden ons onze dag niet mooier kunnen voorstellen, absoluut een aanrader!!
Maarten & Elien