De Oppenheimers Blaaskapel

  • Jeuksestraat 11, 3891 Borlo, Belgium

The one and only Oktoberfest Blaaskapel 5 x 'The Night of the Ski' Oktoberhallen Wieze 20 performances at 'Het Gents Winterfeest' Ghent Center 5 x Oktoberfest in Elmpt - Mönchenglabach 2014 closing of 'De Gentse Feesten' 25 times Prinsen Pronknacht of the council of 11 Sint Truiden. De Oppenheimers is not only a typical brass band that performs in Sint-Truiden and the surrounding area, but also a synonym for a group of lusty fellows from the villages around the fruit city, who, thanks to their unlimited temperament and their great predilection for music, are increasingly gaining prestige at home and abroad. When the chapel opened in 1974, no one could predict that their popularity would continue to rise. A popularity that increased under the leadership of conductor Francis Masure and singer / entertainer Jos Bronckart. Francis MASURE trumpet player / conductor brought the amateur chapel to its highest level in a short time. The pleasant and artistic collaboration between the ensemble leader Willy Bollinne and his team is an example of unity, musical feeling and understanding between the various personalities in the field of wind music. In the versatile repertoire of the Oppenheimers we find the most beautiful tunes and folk songs from Austria, South Tyrol, Bayern, Slovenia, Oberkrainen and of course Flanders. The Oppenheimer wind chapel from Velm is at its best if they can bring ambiance to the people. 'The Oppenheimers play folk music for the people'

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Activities De Oppenheimers Blaaskapel

Activity regions:
Limburg | Belgium
Brass bands