Funfactory050 bv

  • Hoogeveenseweg 19, 9435 TC Midden Drenthe, Netherlands

Organizing a party is not something you do every day, which supplier should I go to, who rents the tent, where do I get the tables and chairs, who knows a nice band and not to mention the application for permits logistics and so on. Funfactory-verhuur is an expert in the total organization of your event, clear agreements and 1 total supplier for your party, no unclear agreements but clear and honest, a clear cost estimate in advance to relieve you of your worries!!! Let us entertain you... You ask... we play! Two pianists (entertainers) with vocals, and drums. Lightning-fast fingers. Stirring rhythms. Four hours (!) of pure entertainment that builds up to a brilliant climax. Music and show as the audience prefers to hear and see it. The Great Pianoshow is based on the Dueling Pianos concept; a huge hit in America for years. Fantastic musicians on stage who directly involve your audience in the entertainment. The Great Pianoshow is unique in your chosen location. This is how it works: Everything revolves around keyboard virtuosos. They are literally in the spotlight. The standard show consists of piano (duels), singing and entertainment. The Great Pianoshow can be booked with two pianists, with drummer/percussionist and if necessary a bass player. Do you have a special audience or special wishes? Then consult in advance and we will tailor the show to the favorite music of your target group. Requests are also possible (the musicians have very extensive repertoire lists). The Great Pianoshow XXL The piano concept 'you ask, we play' has proven itself and is expanded with fantastic entertainers, drummers, a percussionist, a saxophonist and a DJ. Let's go crazy! The Great pianoshow Small Similar to the normal show, but with 2 musicians (pianist/singer/entertainer + a drummer) who will give you a perfect evening for a customized price. Please note! Fewer musicians but no less dazzling. The show will be supplemented with a DJ so that you will have a non-stop evening. "It is soooo musical and at the same time pure entertainment. You see everyone enjoying themselves. Audience and musicians."

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Event Gear bv

Van catering tot licht en geluid – wij regelen het allemaal, voor evenementen variërend van 25 tot wel 15.000 personen.

Characteristics Funfactory050 bv

Music genre band

Tribute and showbands 

Activities Funfactory050 bv

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Waals-Brabant [+Bruxelles] | Henegouwen | Luik | Limburg | Luxemburg | Namen | Oost-Vlaanderen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | West-Vlaanderen | Drenthe | Flevoland | Friesland | Gelderland | Groningen | Limburg | Noord-Brabant | Noord-Holland | Overijssel | Utrecht | Zeeland | Zuid-Holland | Netherlands | Belgium
Live Bands