Supco events

  • Valkstraat 5A, 3920 Lommel, Belgium

Supco events is responsible for all your event assignments. In addition to some fixed concepts for team building activities and theme parties, we often work tailor-made and according to the customer's wishes. Customers can also put together a package themselves with the different workshops that we also offer separately. For example, we can supplement a city game or GPS tour with some fun activities. We also organize or support street theater festivals in conjunction with the corporate events. We have numerous street artists in our range such as living statues, waders, ... Here we can even work tailor-made to your idea! The possibilities are so diverse that it is best to contact us and so we can best respond to your wishes. Whether it is a total concept or a single artist, we go for quality, professionalism and expertise!

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Activities Supco events

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Belgium
Team building