Theater Zonder Blabla

  • Sickinghestraat 2, 9785 BH Zuidwolde, Netherlands

Martin Forget is a mime artist, clown, entertainer-actor and street artist. He creates animation acts and children's performances that are interactive and are characterized by powerful visual humor. With a gesture, a sound and a facial expression, this actor will become your father, neighbor or colleague, and maybe you! Martin looks at you the way you look at him. He is crazy, absurd, comical but always intelligent. He puts an enormous mirror in front of you, as it were.

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Aksident is een acteursgezelschap met roots in het straattheater. Gestart als duo in 1986, is Aksident ondertussen uitgegroeid tot een companie van een twaalftal acteurs en actrices.

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Activities Theater Zonder Blabla

Activity regions:
Noord-Brabant | Netherlands