Flanders Eventmaker

Flanders Eventmaker

Flanders Eventmaker
  • Leopold 1 Esplanade 9, 8660 De Panne, Belgium

Flanders Eventmaker is an event agency specialized in organizing high-quality events for companies on the Belgian coast: team building, seminars, congresses, family days and staff days are part of our offer.

In 2008 Flanders Eventmaker started with numerous unique workshops and team building activities on the beach, at sea and in the air for smaller groups.

Today Flanders Eventmaker works closely with numerous hotels, restaurants, seminar centers and amusement parks. We are active from De Panne to Knokke for single or multi-day events suitable for groups of up to 1200 people.

The wide range consists of numerous separate activities and locations that are combined to best meet the personal wishes of the customers. Every event is tailor-made. This is the only way to be able to take into account the many changing factors inherent in the Belgian coast.

Our quality guarantee means, among other things, that we keep one or more alternatives available for every event in case the weather conditions are disappointing.

Team building is more than just working together, it is mainly about sharing a positive experience.

We look forward to helping you achieve this goal!

Why do you choose us:

  • More than 10 years of experience
  • An alternative in bad weather.
  • Post a drink with every activity.
  • One supervisor for the full day in addition to the various professional monitors per activity.
  • 1 contact person for your entire event.
  • A clear quality policy, holder of the Q-label as the only event agency.
  • 1 invoice.
  • The reference for the Belgian coast.

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Activities Flanders Eventmaker

Activity regions:
West-Vlaanderen | Belgium
Adventure | Team building