Tukkers Connexion

  • Enk 142, 3075 VC Rotterdam, Netherlands

Tukkersconnexion makes visual performances for street and location theater. The audience is transported in a poetic experience by the international language of movement, dance, mime and expression. With these non-verbal creations and movement performances, tukkersconnexion is controversial at festivals at home and abroad. With their living statues they distinguish themselves from the rest and are therefore 4-time Dutch and World Champion. Acts include Turn Up, Toy Soldiers, Vliegensvlug, Lantaarnvolk, Hippocampus and Last Minute

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Op De Beeck Karikaturen

Mijn naam is Jan. Na heel wat jaren ervaring en internationalej erkenning blijf ik de standaard onder de karikaturisten.

Activities Tukkers Connexion

Activity regions:
Zuid-Holland | Netherlands