

  • Veenpluis 33, 2408 LR Alphen aan de Rijn, Netherlands

Spiritainment provides magical entertainment that touches the hearts of your guests. This one stop shop offers special spiritual workshops and accessible spiritual entertainment. Entertainment with a very personal touch! The entertainment at your (business) event has never been so high-profile ...

Acts / workshops

  • Palm reading
  • Tarot reading
  • Ladies' bags reading
  • Coffee grind reading
  • Physics
  • Numerology
  • Aura reading
  • Flower reading
  • And much more!

Bookable as from 2 hours non-stop entertainment. Ask for the possibilities! Workshops are tailor-made together with you. Founder Marian van Noort, who has been reading the tarot cards as a mysterious Mariyanna for years, knows the power of spiritual entertainment like no other: "It is always exciting and somewhere inexplicable that spiritainers know a lot about you, without ever having spoken to or seen you That's the magic of this kind of entertainment, the entertainers are all very open and approachable, which makes Spiritainment different from other, often playful, spiritual acts, and they don't predict the future, because you make them self."

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New! Divination caravan Theater of Truth
21 August 2020

Increase the wow factor of your (company) festival, garden party or staff event with this real eye-catcher! Guests step into a seventies paradise where the fortune teller reads them the cards or tells the truth :-). In the well-ventilated caravan, guests can keep a suitable distance. The tone of the reading is always light and positive! Because the windows can ...

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Activities Spiritainment

Activity regions:
Zuid-Holland | Netherlands
Artists Agency