Kinderact Super Cindy

  • Leembaan 29, 5753 CW Deurne, Netherlands

Superstar Cindy was created by a rare collision between the sun and the moon. As the daughter of this special mother and father, Super Cindy has a unique gift to help people on earth with their problems and turn every occasion into a true children's party. During a 40-minute interactive show, Super Cindy solves a major problem together with the children and sings the best-known and most fun songs by K3, Djumbo, Gebr. Ko and many others. Of course the children can also have their picture taken with Super Cindy after the show! The ideal children's act at any location where children are present. For a complete afternoon program, the act can also be booked with affordable children's DJ!

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Activities Kinderact Super Cindy

Activity regions:
Noord-Brabant | Netherlands
Animation for Kids