Pret op Recept

  • Azaleastraat 53, 6663 DG Lent, Netherlands

Pret op Recept, Artist and organizer Leo Dirks provides Animation and Fun Catering, such as Stilt Animations, Chef Entertainment and Customization. Add some extra color to life, anywhere in the world. Let people enjoy pure pleasure, that is the aim of Pret op Recept. My recipes are usually based on street theater and / or cooking workshops with circus activities. Your wish is my challenge. My enthusiasm is genuine and my fun is engaging. Together with you I will flavor the program, which you can enjoy for a long time to come. The street is now the biggest challenge. Every year I make unique new creations with the help of enthusiastic colleagues. Invented and developed myself. Started in 2000 with 'Hoge Heren', 'Professions on Stilts' and 'Half brother & One and a half brother'. After this, a new act followed every year. Among others' Three Sizes in Three Sizes', 'Tree of a Guy and his Takkewijf', 'Maxima and Maxipa with the next royal highlight', 'the Flower and the Bee', 'the Minikok' and 'a Living Statue Cook with Knikkerbaan '. Last year, the 'Jonge Honden with their Baasje' and 'Sweet Chefs' were added again. I come to play better and better places to play. Pret op Recept is unsubsidised and, in addition to Street Theater, also provides the KinderkookCircus, Ludieke Catering and I can mediate for you.

The Recipe for Fun:

  • 250 grams of preparation
  • 400 grams of originality
  • £ 3 partnership
  • 750 grams of quality
  • 2 serving spoons of humor

Mix the above ingredients into a unique recipe! For the Artists and Events Fair in collaboration with The-Blue-Hole: Photos / videos from the public via Bluetooth. "The-Blue-Hole" allows your audience to send images from their mobile phone via BlueTooth directly to a large centrally located display. This gives your audience a special influence on the environment. In addition to photos, you can also show music fragments, MP3 and YouTube videos. Spontaneously, interaction arises in your audience, they entertain each other. You get to see what the audience is concerned with. Photo material that would otherwise not just come off the phone.

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Activities Pret op Recept

Activity regions:
Gelderland | Netherlands
Artists Agency