AB Sound, your event partner to-go-for!

AB Sound, these are 'the men of technology', as can often be heard at all kinds of events. We are rightly proud of this title and do everything we can to ensure that an event runs smoothly. At an event, you always have 1 point of contact at AB Sound who takes away all your worries by ensuring that the right people are in the right place and are doing the right things. It may sound logical, but reality teaches us that things often go wrong here. By working full-time in the event sector for more than 10 years, AB Sound ensures that you can sleep on both ears.

From now on AB Sound is also available for the purchase of flight cases, cloths, collage and consumables. Everything is in stock and can be collected by yourself or delivered by us or sent by appointment. Create your account and get up to 30% discount.

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1 review on AB Sound

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Marien Jeroen
Leader|Voodoo Studio - licht en geluid|

top material and good service

top equipment that is well maintained and the service keep me coming back!

show original

EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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A.S. Technology

A.S. Technology is dé partner in licht- en audiovisuele technologie voor events, expo's en meetings. Met dertig jaar ervaring op de teller levert ons professionele team kwaliteit voor een zeer competitieve prijs.


Welke laser & special FX heb ik nodig voor mijn evenement? Festivals, concerten, zakelijke evenementen, besloten verjaardagsfeestjes. De gelegenheid doet er niet toe. Wij hebben de juiste uitrusting voor de juiste toepassing.


Een multifunctionele zaal, evenementenlocatie, congres- en zaalverhuur in de Metropoolregio Amsterdam en het hart van Almere Centrum, met een capaciteit tot 700 personen.

Activities AB Sound

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Waals-Brabant [+Bruxelles] | Henegouwen | Luik | Limburg | Luxemburg | Namen | Oost-Vlaanderen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | West-Vlaanderen | Belgium
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