Luna Events

  • Burgemeester Corbeijstraat 38, 6137 XT Sittard, Netherlands

Luna Events is the young entertainment company of Felice Gransier. Years ago she started as a balloon clown at children's parties and communions, but now her company has grown into a modern entertainment company focused on entertaining children at any desired location. Luna Events now has much more to offer for children of all ages. Think of various types, a wide range of activities and complete childcare at any party or event. It is also possible to rent cotton candy machines, popcorn machines or lemonade fountain. We offer customized entertainment because every child is unique. Our goal is to make your party or event an unforgettable day for both young and old. After all, you are never too old for a sweet balloon animal or a trendy glitter tattoo! Luna Events is not standing still in December. Surprisingly, interactive Piet shows, house calls or entertainment in your shopping center turn the black people upside down.

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Activities Luna Events

Activity regions:
Limburg | Limburg | Noord-Brabant | Belgium | Netherlands
Clown | Face painting | Animation for Kids