Rederij Vooruit

  • Rozengracht 31, 8861 EX Harlingen, Netherlands

Rental of sailing ships on the Wadden Sea and Ijsselmeer.

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1 review on Rederij Vooruit

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Georg Pünder

catastrophic trip

The trip was a disaster.
Until the Mallejan receives a thorough refit, the ship should no longer sail.
The engine is totally unreliable, constantly overheats and sometimes fails completely.
The gearbox is causing problems. Changing from forward to reverse gear does not always work.
The boom of the headsail broke on our trip and hit my leg. Luckily, the result was only a bruise.
No working stern light on board.
A battery candle from the salon should be used as a replacement.
Unplanned running aground on a sandbank for hours despite navigating with a laptop.
No compass available.
No spare flashlight available.
All windows leak.
Very strong exhaust fumes in the salon. Exhaust fumes are coming into the salon through the kitchen cupboard under the sink.
Handle on the anchor crank broken.
Both starboard cross bollards broken.

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Friesland | Netherlands
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