There is only one constant 'smiling faces'. Together with my miniature horses I made it my mission to make people shine. I give dimension to a party and / or event. My goal is to make a party or event unforgettable. We offer an innovative attraction with miniature horses in a beautiful decor. The mobile mini horse attraction consists of a beautiful Western decor with a yard around it. So it is a wall arrangement and around that we place fences with an entrance gate. The magical, lovely miniature horses walk in the yard. Everyone is allowed to walk among the animals and stroke them. There is also a possibility to take photos. This produces very nice pictures for the audience. We are always 'the main crowd puller' of every event. The combination of our fantasy-rich decor and our beautiful miniature horses ensures that everyone goes home surprised, endearing and above all happy. This will be talked about for a long time, I promise you!

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Activities Mini Horse World

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Zeeland | Belgium | Netherlands