
  • Raaphorstlaan 10A, 2245 BG Wassenaar, Netherlands

Maestro class with Luchtdirigeren makes a lot of difference to visitors to festivals & events. Many people recognize themselves to be allowed to play a conductor on the buck. At first with some trepidation, but with some guidance and encouragement from Maestroclass, a conductor's beast quickly comes loose in both women and men, young and old. Annual workshops on Het Plein in The Hague at Festival Classique, which have put aerial conducting into the world. Many performances have also been given for the Royal Concertgebouw at the Uitmarkt in Amsterdam.

Also private workshops at various locations (for example in the conductor's foyer of the Royal Concertgebouw or in the Aalmarktzaal of Stadspodia Leiden) as part of a corporate event.

The fun to experience music in a new way with your colleagues. Everyone in their own way out of your head, in your body and eventually through your own roof …… Very interactive workshop where you are increasingly invited and challenged to surrender to what the music releases in you. You as the conductor of your own imaginary orchestra to music from the speaker. All kinds of exercises alone, in pairs and more, with especially attention to loosen up in a playful way.

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Activities Maestroclass

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Noord-Brabant | Noord-Holland | Utrecht | Zuid-Holland | Belgium | Netherlands
Animation | Team building