At KOP we are buzzing with energy. We are committed 200% every day to make the most valuable encounters possible. That's why we facilitate meetings that determine the future of your company. Your success is our success!

KOPexpo designs and builds exhibition stands, shop in shops, displays and interiors. With a strong process and impressive designs we create special and effective meeting places. And we look further: every aspect must contribute to increasing the return of our customers. Although we like to call ourselves expofessionals, we never stop learning. Just like the world around us, we continue to develop ourselves. Everything for the best result!

We are happy to help you with the design and implementation of a custom stand. We do not shy away from a challenge and have the most creative ideas that we would like to share with you! Are you curious about the possibilities regarding stand construction, interior construction or shop-in-shop? Then do not hesitate to contact us.

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Activities KOPexpo

Activity regions:
Flevoland | Gelderland | Limburg | Noord-Brabant | Noord-Holland | Overijssel | Utrecht | Zuid-Holland | Netherlands
Stand Building