Team Service Security

Team Service Security

Team Service Security
  • Sint-Elooisstraat 65, 2620 Ruddervoorde, Belgium

Team Service Security, your partner for professional security services.

Our current society attaches more and more importance to safety. Safety during daily activities, but also safety during events & events. Team Service Security is a licensed security company with offices in Hemiksem (Antwerp), which can look back on many years of experience in security & security.

The people behind Team Service Security have been permanently employed in the security industry for the last 10 years for both large and smaller security firms. The diversity of assignments in our portfolio makes us your ideal partner for all your surveillance assignments.

Your safety is our priority. And we are happy to take that to heart!

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1 review on Team Service Security

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Levi Van Deun

Very satisfied

On our 100 days they were security and this made it a great party. They were able to estimate in time when to intervene and thanks to them everything went smoothly for both the organization and partygoers. Furthermore, friendly contact between the organization and the security company! Highly recommended!

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Activities Team Service Security

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Belgium
Event Security