DJ Royaal

DJ Royaal

DJ Royaal
  • Bas Paauwestraat 110, 3077 MP Rotterdam, Netherlands

DJ Royaal, let's groove #70S #80s #90s #Disco

DJ Royaal (Dimitri Visch) takes his audience on a musical journey through time and he has been doing so for over 25 years. With his predilection for entertainment, the theater and his longing for the eighties, he plays a mix of 70s, 80s, 90s, guilty pleasures and Nu-Disco (Disco Classics with a modern twist), whether or not on original vinyl.

Every time he provides an aha experience and a full dance floor. Interaction with the audience and an open energetic attitude with a touch of humor are typical of DJ Royaal.

You will find this exclusive Rotterdam DJ everywhere. He plays sets at (company) events, festivals, clubs, catering and theaters in the Netherlands and abroad for big names and high-profile venues. In addition, DJ Royaal is perhaps the most outspoken LGBTQIA + DJ in the Netherlands and he has left his signature on many Prides.

DJ Royaal can be booked as a DJ only (with or without vinyl) and possibly in combination with appropriate light and sound.

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All Party Events

All Party Events is een jong dynamisch bedrijf die reeds zijn sporen heeft verdiend in de uitgaanssector. Wij zijn actief als leverancier van professionele Dj's, artiesten, acts... voor diverse feestzalen, cateringbedrijven en feestorganisators.

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Characteristics DJ Royaal

Music genre DJ

Wedding party 




Disco / Groove 

Activities DJ Royaal

Activity regions:
Noord-Brabant | Zuid-Holland | Netherlands
Artists Agency | DJ - Deejay