One of our most important activities is the sale of Horeca & Events equipment and transport auctions. Many companies deliver their machines, goods, vehicles, ... to us in Aartselaar (20,000 m²) for sale that they wish to replace or no longer need.

After 6-8 weeks, our clients will be paid the proceeds.

In this way they not only save time and money, but also have a guarantee of transparent and fast sales. With more than 35,000 visitors per day from 130 countries, we always achieve competitive prices and sometimes a little more.

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2 reviews on AUCTIM

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Ignace De Roost
New|The Retrohouse BE0639614634|

viewing day on 11/12 from 2 pm to 5 pm in Alken! we drive 45 minutes to be at a closed gate.

viewing day on 11/12 from 2 pm to 5 pm in Alken! we drive 45 minutes to be at a closed gate. not reachable by phone so made a useless move. this is really not recommended and judging by the reviews it won't be long now

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Waroux  Lorenzo
Leader|The Perfect Serve Agency|

catering industry

Handy site for our events!

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Activity regions:
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