Geens Philippe Tentenverhuur

Geens Philippe Tentenverhuur

Geens Philippe Tentenverhuur
  • Oude baan 78, 2820 Bonheiden, Belgium

Tent rental "Geens Philippe"... Your best choice! With us you can make every party an unforgettable moment. At your party, your guests are the most important link in making your party a success. We at Tent Rental Geens Philippe ensure that your guests will talk about your party for a long time. We take away all your worries with our complete packages including BBQ or suckling pig.

With us you get the best service at the best prices. We are a small family business where quality comes before quantity... From renting a take-away tent to a complete party, you can enjoy the best service and quality.

All our tents have a fire resistance certificate and are suitable for private and public events. We guarantee the good condition and cleanliness of our rental materials. We are happy to organize your complete party for up to 200 guests.

Our specialty is complete luxury parties. With our luxury party formula you get the luxury of a party room and the charm of a garden party combined!

You can contact us for pro folding tents, pro party tents, pagoda tents, frame tents, star shade tents, rental of party materials.

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Characteristics Geens Philippe Tentenverhuur

Type of tent

frame tent 

party tent 

Activities Geens Philippe Tentenverhuur

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | Limburg | Belgium
Attraction Rental | Party Supplies Rental | Tent Rentals | Furniture Rental