

  • 325/6 30 Great Guildford Street,, London SE1 0HS, United Kingdom

Glisser is an award-winning presentation software, integrated audience response system and event analytics platform.


Our web-based audience participation solution shares slides from presentations to personal devices instantly. Glisser's audience response systems - live polling, digital Q&A, Twitter wall, interactive quizzes and digital note-taking - enable delegates to maximise participation, remain engaged and ultimately increases their overall experience.


Data gathered from audience participation provides event organisers with valuable in-depth insights, leading to a deeper understanding of audience members. Glisser transforms each touchpoint into an event scorecard which provides a quantifiable ROI.


Combining audience participation data with other sources, such as broader event analytics or other marketing data, allows event organisers to directly measure the impact of events, conferences and meetings with the rest of their business, something that has been challenging to do. Glisser’s open APIs make it easy to integrate event data into existing marketing technology and event technology solutions, giving you a single view of your information.


Glisser is fully GDPR compliant with enterprise-grade data protection being at the heart of the company since we launched. We're also the only audience engagement software on the market that is ISO27001 certified.


We released Glisser LIVE in early 2018.


Glisser LIVE combines our audience participation software with a live video feed for your remote attendees. You can use it in combination with Glisser's regular mobile product at your physical event (creating a 'hybrid event') or as a standalone solution to create interactive webcasts or virtual events.

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Characteristics Glisser


web browser 


live streaming 



virtual trade show 



Activities Glisser

Activity regions:
Canada | Mexico | USA | Arizona | California | Delaware | District Of Columbia | Florida | Michigan | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New York | North Carolina | South Carolina | Texas | Alberta | British Columbia | Manitoba | New Brunswick | Northwest Territories | Nova Scotia | Nunavut | Ontario | Prince Edward Island | Quebec | Saskatchewan | Yukon | Newfoundland and Labrador
Event app | Virtual events platform
event technology | data protection | iso 27001 | event roi | audience response solution | interactive quizzes | live slide sharing | powerpoint alternatives | custom branding | twitter wall | audience q&a | event feedback | live polling | gdpr | livestream | digital note taking