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2 reviews on ITPrint
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Bad service
Delivered way too late making products worthless, no compensation whatsoever.
Feedback from ITPrint on this review:
Frank, this is not really correct of you. You should have just notified us in time. In all these years we have NEVER delivered wristbands late because I know this is important. If you only contact us after the event that this was not delivered and even was not delivered several days after the expected delivery date, then we will indeed not be able to help you anymore. Had you even let us know something on the day of the event, we could have helped you!
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Activities ITPrint
- Activity regions:
- Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Limburg | Waals-Brabant [+Bruxelles] | Belgium
- Activities:
- Printing Companies
Rotten service
Simple question asked via email: Worthless answer returned with an answer that simply wasn't correct. Second question I was simply told that I should look for the answer on the website. After that I didn't even get a response. Whoever is behind this, that person has a serious lack of respect for his customers. I could feel the contempt from a distance. Well, it is mutual, I will continue looking for a decent supplier. The 1-star reviews on Google are indeed correct. Avoid.
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nlRotte service
Simpele vraag gesteld via email: Waardeloos antwoord teruggehad met antwoord wat gewoon niet eens klopte. Tweede vraag kreeg ik gewoon deksel op de neus dat ik het antwoord maar op de website moest zoeken. Erna niet eens meer reactie gekregen. Wie hier ook achterzit, die persoon heeft een serieus gebrek aan respect voor zijn klanten. Ik voelde de minachting al vanop afstand. Wel, het is dan ook wederzijds, ik zoek wel verder naar een deftige leverancier. De 1-ster reveiws op google kloppen wel degelijk. Mijden.