

  • Smelterij 21-23, 2211 SH Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands

Driving fun is 13 years old. We organize around 80 events across Europe every year. These are mainly track days, racing courses and incentives where people can drive on the track themselves. In addition, we organize races and are partners for a number of TV programs, advertising agencies and regular customers who want to use exclusive circuits.

Every year at Zandvoort we have about 40 private events where we rent the circuit ourselves. We are also located here with our office, in VIProom 8 above the pit lane.

Driving-fun BV has several track cars that are suitable for rental, incentives and packages. These are complete race cars with a safe roll cage, racing seats and seat belts. Our instructors are KNAF certified and the cars can be insured on the track.

For both private and business customers we offer the possibility to drive on the track in our race cars with an instructor next to it. We have a number of packages that we also use for groups. Think of incentives, team building and company outings. The following packages are possible:

  • Taxi Race Experience (ride with driver at race speed)
  • Drift Experience (straight and drifting around the corner in a special drift car)
  • Complete Race Experience (first with an instructor and then racing on the track yourself)
  • Battle Challenge (driving with driver at race speed who simulates race with other driver in other race car. Braking, overtaking etc. An unprecedented cool experience!)
  • Race course (Two-day race course - Arrive & Drive and all-inclusive with hotel, two-day catering and rental car)

The racing experiences are possible in a BMW E36 325i, BMW M3, Audi RS5 and an Audi R8.


In addition to our own race cars, we can also offer incentive programs with other cars. Think of Porsche 911 (6 pieces), but also a Minardi F1 duo-seater and soon even Arrows F1 three-seater. In addition, there are Formula Renault race cars. Thanks to various collaborations, we can expand each program with activities on and around the various circuits. In Zandvoort, we naturally do that most. From hiring a beach club on the beach to a slip course. We can also use well-known drivers as guest speakers.

VIP packages and hospitality

During events at Circuit Zandvoort we use our own VIProom (no. 8) as a hospitality unit with catering. The rest of the year, this space can be used for incentives and tailor-made programs. On the circuit we can also rent other VIProoms and Pitboxes for large groups. Ideal for giving presentations and networking drinks, whether or not during the well-known race weekends. Circuit Zandvoort will develop in the coming years. A new restaurant has been opened and all kinds of facilities are being added. In addition to the focus on families, there is also more focus on the high-end market during the racing weekends.

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Activities Driving-fun

Activity regions:
Noord-Holland | Drenthe | Netherlands
Ceremony Cars Rental | Racing and Karting