Bent Hofman Schlagerfestival en Tuinconcert

Bent Hofman Schlagerfestival en Tuinconcert

Bent Hofman Schlagerfestival en Tuinconcert
  • Sint-Adriaanstraat 132, 3150 Haacht, Belgium

Quiet background music for seniors parties, residential care or retirement homes. Also suitable for terraces, cafeterias, holiday centers and / or camping sites.

The program consists of schlagers from the Netherlands and abroad. Dutch, Flemish, French or English, depending on the demand of the public.

Maximum 2 x 50 'for 150 euros. Displacement: € 0.3456 / km. Own sound system for small halls, max 100 people. No stage needed. Sung live (on tape).

For the residential care centers:

There is also the possibility to perform in the open air, courtyard, garden, veranda, etc.

All corona measures are complied with for the safest possible event.

If it is still possible, there is the possibility to perform in different places in the center. The sound system is mobile.

A number of demos have been published on the website.

For the WZC there is a discount from sympathy and admiration for the efforts of the care providers.

Are you looking for a relaxing program without pretension and with the possibility to sing along to the evergreens and classics of Will Tura, Elvis Presley, Tom Jones, Willy Sommers, etc., then you've come to the right place!

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5 reviews on Bent Hofman Schlagerfestival en Tuinconcert - 10/10

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Christiane Van Hoof

Performance in Brouwershof O.L.Vrouw-Waver

Beautiful performance. The residents of the service flats Brouwershof in OLVrouw-Waver enjoyed it. Beautifully sung and we could also sing along via the texts that were programmed on a screen. Top!

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Eva Houfflyn
New|WZC Marialove|

WZC Marialove

The residents and staff of WZC Marialove in Heestert were very enthusiastic about the performance. Good songs, great interaction, friendly man... he can definitely come back to us! Highly recommended!

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Chris De Hauw


What a wonderful initiative in corona times! All residents, carers and neighbors of WZC De Promenade and yourself thoroughly enjoyed the songs of the time, performed in a warm voice.
Thank you very much!
A neighbor - spectator.

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Feedback from Bent Hofman Schlagerfestival en Tuinconcert on this review:

I am pleasantly surprised with your response. Thanks. I can already tell you that the WZC has invited me again on 14 May. Maybe see you soon?

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tanja suys


our people were very enthusiastic about the singing afternoon!
There was dancing and singing.
to be repeated!

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Feedback from Bent Hofman Schlagerfestival en Tuinconcert on this review:

Thank you for your nice compliment

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tim ramaut

Very warm voice!

Bent provided a spectacular afternoon in our WZC in which many classics in both Flemish and English passed in review, our residents could certainly enjoy themselves! We would like to see him again in WZC De Zilverberg!

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Feedback from Bent Hofman Schlagerfestival en Tuinconcert on this review:

Thank you for your words of praise. Hope to see you.

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Activities Bent Hofman Schlagerfestival en Tuinconcert

Activity regions:
Belgium | Antwerpen | Limburg | Oost-Vlaanderen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | West-Vlaanderen