Cor Spronk, DGA mentor & Spreker

- De Eem 4G, 8253 PM Dronten, Netherlands
Who is Cor Spronk?
As an entrepreneur I regularly speak during events or I act as chairman / presenter. During my contribution I create an atmosphere where you as an audience get the feeling that I am looking you in the eye. That way I know how to fascinate, touch and inspire you. My asset is my warmth and commitment. Sometimes I push the limits and take you on an adventure. I do not shy away from humor and self-mockery.
Key-note speaker
As an entrepreneur I have seen many beautiful things, but also made mistakes. I can tell you a lot about that. I would like to share my entrepreneurial experience with you. If you walk out the door after my lecture and want to check at home how you have arranged your affairs, then I have reached my goal.
Devilish dilemmas of believing entrepreneurs
Fails of an entrepreneur
Time management
Vision, how does it work and what can you do with it?
The entrepreneur's journey
The fair of the fair visitor
Day chairman / webinar host
As chairman, I guide the program smoothly. On stage I am in my element and ask questions that someone else is afraid to ask. Always with respect. It makes me happy when a day has gone well and orderly and the audience takes home new knowledge and inspiration.
During the Corona crisis I also developed into a webinar host. If you want your webinar to run smoothly and that the answers to the viewers' questions are given, then I ask the right questions in the right perspective.
What am I getting out of bed for?
I want to inspire you, help you, touch your heart and penetrate your mind. So that you get further.
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We get some air again and we can do a little more. What will it be like when we sit on a terrace again. Close to your housemates, but everyone else at a distance of 1.5 meters. Watt a cleans up. What will that mean on the beach. Never step over someone again because they light too close .... What ...
6 reviews on Cor Spronk, DGA mentor & Spreker - 9.7/10
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Presenting in an inspiring way
Cor boosted STADronten's annual stakeholder meeting.
He supported us as CITY fronts during the preparations for this event. He did this professionally and punctually.
During the evening, he was the chairman of the day and an expert in the field of marketing and sponsorship. Cor presented the evening in his own and inspiring way and gave both the entrepreneurs and STADronts present new and good insights and tips on how to see sponsoring as marketing.
Very successful!
Feedback from Cor Spronk, DGA mentor & Spreker on this review:
I am always grateful when my contribution to an event is successful and appreciated. STADronten / Municipality of Dronten / SuperTank

Innovation bootcamp Aeres Hogeschool
During the innovation boot camp for the module 'Learning to Innovate in the Agrifood Business', Cor Spronk took our 2nd year Business Administration & Agrifood Business students (Aeres Hogeschool) on his route to success. A route with falling, but always getting up again.
Admirable and very inspiring. Thank you.
Feedback from Cor Spronk, DGA mentor & Spreker on this review:
Thank you Wilma. I would like to express the wish that these budding entrepreneurs have experienced that entrepreneurship is great fun, but that you sometimes go through deep troughs before you can shine again at the top of a mountain.

Lustrum event Veluwe Portal
Cor was chairman of the 10-year anniversary event of Veluwe Portaal.
We discussed the script in advance and Cor has prepared well. He has studied the speakers.
The afternoon was a good conversation and Cor interviewed the various speakers. It is very strong that Cor also actively involves the visitors in the story of the speakers and gives room for questions. His time management was top!
Cor creates a good atmosphere and also actively participates in the preparations.
Feedback from Cor Spronk, DGA mentor & Spreker on this review:
Thank you Ingeborg,
It was an honor to give your guests what they deserved.

For my magazine presentations I used Cor Spronk as chairman of the day.
Cor is proactive, enthusiastic and professional. That takes away stress during these busy days.
So if you are looking for a good, original chairman of the day, then you are in the right place with Cor Spronk: original, beautiful!
Feedback from Cor Spronk, DGA mentor & Spreker on this review:
What beautiful words from a beautiful word artist.

Cor understands what you mean and how you work!
I have known Cor for some time now and have spoken to him several times.
I also saw him once when Cor was the chairman of the day at an event where I could provide the bbq catering.
After this more extensive contact moment, Cor had me and my company "in the spotlight" in his blog.
A really great experience, professional, inspired, passionate and very helpful are words that come to mind when I talk about Cor.
For me, Cor is an absolute asset to any company and event !!!
Feedback from Cor Spronk, DGA mentor & Spreker on this review:
Dear Rene,
Thanks for this warm recommendation. It was an honor to put you, with your company, in the spotlight.
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Activities Cor Spronk, DGA mentor & Spreker
- Activity regions:
- Flevoland | Friesland | Gelderland | Groningen | Limburg | Noord-Brabant | Noord-Holland | Overijssel | Drenthe | Utrecht | Zeeland | Zuid-Holland | Netherlands
- Activities:
- Presenter, Moderator and Speakers
Back to the past, back to the future, on to the new normal, 1.5 meters away. After 1 June we were allowed to do more again, but more than 25% of the catering industry could not open, it is not possible. With masks in public transport. The gyms may open again from 1 July, now in Dronten in tents in ...
Giving hands has always been a culture thing within my companies. It was a kind of agreement that every employee who walked into one of our offices or works one day, shook hands with all the people present with the message: how nice that you are here, you are welcome. It was not a must (preferably not even haha) to ...
We often hear fantastic stories in the media about successful entrepreneurs, giga festivals and world-renowned events. For all these successes there are at least as many fails and we don't talk about that enough. Kevin's studio guest today is Cor Spronk, entrepreneur, speaker and moderator. https://www.corspronk.nl/interview-op-eventplanner-tv-fail/

Interview op Eventplanner TV #fail - Cor Spronk
We horen in de media vaak fantastische verhalen over succesvolle ondernemers, giga-festivals en evenementen met wereldfaam. Voor al deze successen zijn er minstens zoveel fails en daarover praten we te weinig. Kevin's studiogast vandaag is Cor Spronk, ...
Today I am going to talk to Henk Slump , pedigree entrepreneur / DGA of 2 AH locations, Slump Catering & Events and Pier 16, the restaurant of Emmeloord, Nagele, Kampen, Lelystad and surroundings. CEO OR DGA You are DGA or CEO. I think a CEO is different from a DGA. The CEO ultimately determines his own premium ...
That's what a visitor to an event said to me afterwards. One thing I have to say is Spronk, you had the afternoon tight in your hand, but I hardly saw you. And that is a positive thing? I asked him. Yes, that is very positive. Yet that afternoon I had introduced and interviewed the three speakers at the event, ...

Until last week it was still quiet on the roads, but from next week we can go back into the meadow. Again to offline appointments with one and a half meters away. But although it was already allowed, I noticed that I often just went to the office and did not make these appointments because I thought that the customer ...
Cor Spronk as a speaker at BNI Raalte, 5-3-2020
I did not know Cor Spronk yet, but saw him at a meeting of the BNI in Raalte where he was invited to share his experiences as an entrepreneur with our network club. We were dumbfounded. And that is special for the BNIs in Raalte. Cor sketched his life history from farmer's son to real entrepreneur with about 340 employees. I have to think for a long time why I thought it was so special. There were many aspects that made me listen breathlessly. I think I was mainly triggered by Cor's courage to be vulnerable and himself. About the loneliness you feel as an entrepreneur, also in your relationship with your life partner. And his confidence in people. And that he only blamed himself for everything that went wrong (“my mistake”). I'm not going to tell you anything, but Cor has been through bizarre things. He doesn't like managing, and he knew it. But Cor was able to let go and start again. Entrepreneurship is in his blood, going outside, on the farm, “going like a jecco”, he says. Entrepreneurs, I would almost like to say: destinies! Be surprised by Cor Spronk's honest story.
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nlCor Spronk als spreker bij BNI Raalte, 5-3-2020
Ik kende Cor Spronk nog niet, maar zag hem op een bijeenkomst van de BNI in Raalte waar hij was uitgenodigd om zijn ervaringen als ondernemer met onze netwerkclub te delen. We waren er stil van. En dat is bijzonder voor de BNI’ers in Raalte. Cor schetste zijn levensgeschiedenis van boerenzoon tot echte ondernemer met zo’n 340 medewerkers. Ik moet lang nadenken waarom ik het zo bijzonder vond. Er waren veel aspecten die maakten dat ik ademloos luisterde. Ik denk dat ik vooral getriggerd werd door Cor’s moed om kwetsbaar en zichzelf te zijn. Over de eenzaamheid die je voelt als ondernemer, ook in je relatie met je levenspartner. En zijn vertrouwen in mensen. En dat hij van alles wat mis ging alleen zichzelf de schuld gaf (“mijn fout”). Ik ga niet verklappen wat, maar Cor heeft bizarre dingen meegemaakt. Managen, daar houdt hij niet van, en dat heeft hij geweten. Maar Cor kon loslaten en weer opnieuw beginnen. Ondernemen zit in zijn bloed, naar buiten, de boer op, “gaan als een jecco”, zegt-ie dan. Ondernemers, ik zou bijna willen zeggen: lotsverbondenen! Laat je verrassen door het eerlijke verhaal van Cor Spronk.
Feedback from Cor Spronk, DGA mentor & Spreker on this review:
Thank you Theo for this review. This strengthens my confidence to keep showing my vulnerability, because that is strength.
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nlDank je wel Theo voor deze review. Dit sterkt mijn vertrouwen om mijn kwetsbaarheid te blijven tonen, want dat is kracht.