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VWL Consult & Events
Business Cafe @ Bar Lionel
17 January 2022

Business Café - Bar Lionel (Wevelgem)

More info www.vwlconsultevents.be

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8 reviews on VWL Consult & Events - 9.3/10

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Nico Verhaeghe

Moorsele is cycling

despite the fact that this was the first time this event was organized, everything was arranged down to the last detail; some minor flaws apart from that. This asks for more !!!

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Linda Blockx

Moorsele Cycles

Excellent organization ... worth repeating ... the @ vwlconsultevents

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gerda opsomer

moorsele is cycling

beautiful organization everything clearly beautiful cycling course

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jose desimpelaere

moorsele is cycling

very successful organization despite corona.
both the bike ride and the square organization were great.
hopefully next year.

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elien vanderhaeghe

moorsele is cycling

Wonderful organization

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Philippe Vlaminck

Moorish bicycle

An excellent organization in these difficult times.
Corana safe and good cooperation with the municipality.
To be repeated.

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Liese Vandoorne

Moorsele Fietst

Giving a five out of five for the first time you experience an organisation such as VWL Consult & Events is nothing I would do?
Why? That's very simple, if the organisation can be as good as it was now, what will it be after evaluating and considerating every point of advise that they received? We can hardly use a button 6 out of 5 or even more.

The organisation is also very open to receive advise and help, they use it to become a better version of this year's edition

I'll be working more with VWL Consult & Events in the future.

Thank you!

Smulkotje Elien

Super well organized!

Everything was fine ! Good guidance

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Activities VWL Consult & Events

Activity regions:
West-Vlaanderen | Belgium
Product Launches | Organization of conferences and seminars | Private Parties Organization