A unique team building in GHENT #gentertainer
6 September 2022

Check out our new concept of GetTogether below: GENTERTAINER!😀

Discover Ghent in a unique and fun way with our Gentertainer. Choose from our many guided tours:


- Walter De Buck: during this tour you will learn more about the origin of the GentseFeesten, the role Walter De Buck played in it, but also what a spring roll is and where the name Paters Hol comes from.


- Luk De Vos: this tour is a perfect mix of the history of Ghent, local specialties and countless fun facts, interspersed with the necessary dose of humor.


- Ghent City Game: no stolen painting appeals to the imagination as much as the Just Judges. Look for the missing panel with your friends, colleagues or family...

Do you have a question about our guided tours in Ghent?

Are you looking for a not so classic guide with the necessary

amount of humor and historical knowledge?


Then don't hesitate and ask all your questions here and maybe you will enjoy a tour of the Gentertainer in Ghent with your friends or colleagues.

#tour #gent #gentertainer

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