Veldeman Group wins Ambiorix Prize 2024
30 September 2024

Veldeman Group is the proud winner of the prestigious Ambiorix Prize 2024. Veldeman unanimously convinced the jury with its strong organization, strategic choices, international growth and balanced focus on customers, employees and environment.

35th Ambiorix Prize

The Ambiorix Prize is the most prestigious business prize awarded annually by employers' organization VKW Limburg to a Limburg company that excels in quantitative and qualitative entrepreneurship with a lot of attention to employees and environment. The 35th Ambiorix Prize goes to Veldeman Group.

Andy Moors, CEO of Veldeman Group, responds proudly: “We are extremely proud to have won the prestigious Ambiorix award, which is a wonderful recognition for our entire company. We owe this award to the dedication of our entire team, who contribute with passion and commitment to realizing our ambitions every day. We are proud of the growth we have achieved and dedicate this award to all our employees, partners and customers who have contributed to our success.”

Strategic choices and international growth

Veldeman Group, headquartered in Bree, was founded in 1950 and has grown from a classic tent builder to a specialist in modular, demountable infrastructure and related customer services. In 2017, management took over the company, which led to a sharpening of the strategic focus. While the COVID year implied a serious decline in turnover and return, the figures of recent years highlight both the relevance of the strategic choices and the resilience of the organization.

Jury chairman Professor Bart Van Looy (KULeuven – Flanders Business School): “Veldeman has succeeded in doubling its turnover in recent years without sacrificing margin (EBITDA). Growth that also results in a balanced spread of the portfolio in terms of both customer segments and regions (Benelux, EU, North/South America).”

Further international growth ambitions are facilitated by the entry into the capital of IK Partners (in 2023). Recent acquisitions in Belgium and the Netherlands contribute to the further expansion of an international market leader position in well-chosen segments.

Focus on customers, employees and environment

“A well-balanced management team led by CEO Andy Moors, oversees a corporate charter in which customer focus, collaboration, respect and engagement are linked to results. Employee involvement and well-being are on an equal footing with the focus on customer satisfaction,” the jury chairman added.

Veldeman has opted resolutely for sustainable entrepreneurship, with the ambition to also become a reference company in the sector in terms of ESG.

“In terms of strategic choices, organisation and business operations, Veldeman convinces the jury that value is being created on a European and transatlantic scale, worthy of an Ambiorix laureate,” concludes Professor Bart Van Looy.

About the Ambiorix Prize

Employers' organisation VKW Limburg awards the Ambiorix Prize for the 35th time to a Limburg company from the TOP500 that excels in quantitative and qualitative entrepreneurship with a lot of attention for employees and environment. Based on the figures and growth in the past five years, a quantitative selection is made at all TOP500 companies. The best scoring companies are subject to a strict qualitative selection and ultimately a visit by the independent expert jury, in which the jury focuses on strategy, organisation and society. The soundness of the strict selection procedure is demonstrated by the fact that the 34 previous laureates are still doing very well.

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Kevin Van der Straeten
Leader | | 30 September 2024

Proficiat 🙌