Why the crowd on the Poelaertplein makes the event sector relevant It is bubbling in society. The camera on a choking George Floyd leaves no one unmoved and sets a whole crowd worldwide on fire. Social distancing is the last of your concerns for a demonstrator during such emotional eruptions. At best, a mouth mask acts as a barrier against the virus. Virologists are by no means 'amused'. People from the event sector also immediately distanced themselves that this is not representative of events in general. They are right, of course. What these manifestations show is the big difference between organized events and non-organized events. The visible risks of such gathering in corona time therefore gives extra raison d'être to event builders who can guarantee a safe organization. Of course racism has no place in our society, and that should be said clearly. I don't want to talk about the content of the meeting, but I want to talk about what this mass meeting proves. She shows the urge of people to come together, to feel connected, to share emotions, ... People want to collectively share this mix of anger and sadness. I saw speakers moved to tears, a cry that came from deep and now suddenly rises to the surface with a deafening sound. People came close to each other in Brussels and Antwerp, too close to each other. Power of the number These manifestations and the reactions to them just show the difference between an event that you can organize well and an event that you can hardly organize well. The organizer was expecting 5,000 attendees… but it will be 10,000. Then you have a problem. Always! Certainly at events that originate in sentiment, a good estimate and therefore a good organization is hardly possible. This is reinforced by the power of the number. The mass is the message. A protest march organizer will never be disappointed when more people come than expected. The more people, the more powerful the message. The mass gives weight to your message and makes it relevant. Power of the message Yesterday's events prove that the events sector is very relevant now. Organizing means analyzing in advance to avoid problems. Knowledge and experience are crucial to avoid unforeseen situations. The power of the number doesn't really matter in most events. The goal is not the mass, but the content. And that makes an important difference. The urge of people to share experiences and connect with each other does not need mass. In a small bubble it can just as much fizz and bubble. But to link that content to a safe organization, the know-how and experience of the event sector is the best guarantee for a successful event without a bitter aftertaste. The organizers of yesterday's events were probably happy with the massive turnout, but now have to see with sorrow that their message is being snowed under by the reactions about the unsafe gathering. What is a success in normal circumstances becomes a problem in this corona time. Your message will go completely wrong. What yesterday's manifestations mainly prove is that a professional organization is particularly important now. The know-how and experience of the event sector is the key to ensuring that an event proceeds safely. It is wise to organize based on the content. With a slightly different approach and good organization you can translate just about any story into an event. The story is more important than the crowd. "The organizers of yesterday's events were probably happy with the massive turnout, but now have to see with sorrow that their message is being snowed under by the reactions about the unsafe gathering." "Yesterday's events prove that the event sector is very relevant now. Knowledge and experience are crucial to avoid unforeseen situations."