There was great interest, many registrations. At the beginning of July, Hubermont Space for development organized a first edition of the "post-corona" seminar. After the artikel by Karel Cambien, journalist but also participant, the requests kept coming in and they decided to plan a second edition. Wednesday 7 October we start the new walking session. Yes, a walking session. An exceptional formula that is certainly appreciated in these times by participants looking for reflection on what happened and what the future impact of Covid-19 will have on our economy. Neem jij graag deel aan de 2e editie? Geert Roelens launched this initiative together with Herman Wittockx (both shareholders of Hubermont Space) to offer entrepreneurs a customer board in these special times. After a nice breakfast and under a fantastic blue sky, the day started. Participants were divided into different subgroups to discuss the different themes together. Observations and themes were subsequently collected, clustered and discussed. Several participants took the time to give feedback and share some nice quotes: "The topic was interesting, the setting was perfect and I met nice and interesting people." "The openness of the discussions, the readiness of the people to listen." "An ideal moment to pause in these challenging times, to reflect and to look ahead." Ja, ik neem graag deel aan de sessie op woensdag 7 oktober. Do you have additional questions or would you like to contact us about this? This can be done via or +32 494 58 62 53. We take into account the Covid19 measures that are in force at that time.