Hybrid events do not exist!
25 June 2021

On Monday 5 July at 10:30 AM, event industry experts will hold an online event 'Live meets online'. After almost a year and a half of online events, experts from the event industry are taking stock. From the Fokker Terminal in The Hague, we take you for an hour into the world of online, hybrid and live events. What knowledge gained from online events will we apply in the upcoming live events? Is a hybrid event a feasible model, or will it be part of a much broader event and communication strategy? What role will online event platforms play in the live market? In his role as moderator, chairman of the day Tom Jessen will switch rapidly between these topics with different speakers, practical examples and of course you as a viewer!

Event leader

Over the past year and a half, Eventleader has proven itself as a reliable partner. Onno Schaap and his colleague Maarten Breumelhof talk about the ins and outs of the software. A unique event platform with features that respond to the needs of the current market. How did it come about, what are the possibilities and what are the expectations for the coming years? Relevant examples of Eventleader will be demonstrated during the livestream. Find out everything about the different features and possibilities.

Future perspective

Tim Rosman will also share his expertise in his role as Director Sales & Events of the Fokker Terminal. What developments are there, what questions are there in the industry and what does he expect from the future? Will it go back to normal? It promises to be an inspiring meeting.

Join the webinar

Curious about what the future of the event industry looks like? You can register at https://eventleader.eu/live-meets-online

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