DN Leisure, formerly Disconet Nederland, founded in 1995, plays a crucial role in the entertainment and events industry. We specialize in organizing large show events and high-quality corporate parties, with a focus on creativity, originality, professionalism and good value for money. From public events to shopping center activations and company parties, DN Leisure offers various formulas from Zoetermeer. Our experienced event manager team is the ideal partner for special, innovative and controversial events and programs. We strive for an unforgettable impression with an indelible message and an exclusive dose of wonder. Contact us for a no-obligation consultation and discover what we can do for you. Are you looking for an innovative and controversial event? An unforgettable impression with lasting impact? A creative idea that exceeds your expectations? Do not hesitate to contact us for a no-obligation consultation.

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Activities DN leisure

Activity regions:
Zuid-Holland | Netherlands
Artists Agency | Audiovisual Concepts | Event Agencies