
  • Brusselbaan 77-79, 1790 Affligem, Belgium

Organizing an event yourself requires so much resources and time that your core activities suffer. Comith Event works out a strong concept together with you and takes care of all practical tasks from then on. We bundle all parts and ensure a flawless whole: from writing, designing, personalizing, printing and sending the invitations, to the complete organization of the event and the follow-up of the invitees. You can fully concentrate on your guests and on your communication, with the assurance that we will take care of all other aspects flawlessly. Experience, organizational talent, knowledge of the field and a lot of common sense ensure successful events time and time again. Every euro you invest has to come out double and thick again, in extra goodwill, image gain, quality contacts and increase in turnover. Numerous successful internal company events, elegant open days, external events, up to and including the organization of (inter) national trade fairs have earned us a solid reputation.

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Activities Comith

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Limburg | Henegouwen | Luik | Luxemburg | Namen | Waals-Brabant [+Bruxelles] | Belgium
Event Agencies | Product Launches | Organization of conferences and seminars