Yes Events

  • Rijksstraatweg 133C, 3222 KC Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands

Yes Events is an organization agency that stands for tasteful, stylish and exclusive! From 2015, the focus has been on Wedding plans. Thanks to a large network of beautiful suppliers from the wedding industry, Yes Events can organize the day together with the bridal couple as they have in mind. Cared for down to the last detail. Call in Yes Events as a wedding planner, master of ceremonies, wedding stylist for the complete styling of the location or just for a professional consultation. If the bridal couple want to organize the day themselves but still need some tips & tricks, I can sit down with them and brainstorm about themes, colors and advice about suppliers. No time or desire to do all this yourself. Yes Events is happy to help you with the complete organization of your wedding. Because even on the most beautiful day you want everything to be right? Just say Yes!

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Activities Yes Events

Activity regions:
Zuid-Holland | Netherlands
Event Agencies | Product Launches | Private Parties Organization