Mooij Geregeld Evenementen

  • Van Rennesstraat 7, 1741 HD Schagen, Netherlands

Mooij arranged is a dynamic company with the main goal of having every event, from company outing, conference, bachelor party, open day, anniversary, to wedding, successful but above all "Mooij Geregeld" take place. An effective event with a "Mooij" result is our priority! An event can be seen as an investment where you have a goal in mind and we take care of the result (Return on Investment). We can advise you which type of event such as; workshop, lecture, trade fair, team building or activity best suits your company or group. You will find our step-by-step plan on our advice page. Do you want to reward your employees or convey a message to them? Or is it time to expand your network or to inform your relations about the latest developments within your company? See our business packages for an example. We are committed from the beginning to the end of your event, but are also available when you need it

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Activities Mooij Geregeld Evenementen

Activity regions:
Flevoland | Noord-Holland | Utrecht | Zuid-Holland | Netherlands
Event Marketing | Team building | Event Agencies | Product Launches | Organization of conferences and seminars