Stop Using Twitter for Your Event

Stop Using Twitter for Your Event

Twitter is becoming increasingly popular. But the more people use the social network, the more it loses its original power.

Column: 4 Barriers to Overcome to Boost use of Social Media

Column: 4 Barriers to Overcome to Boost use of Social Media

Everybody wants it. Everybody talks about it. Yet so few actually get it. Of course I am talking about 'the Buzz'. Participants of your next event which go wild on Social Media.

Column: Is the event industry made up of fools!?

Column: Is the event industry made up of fools!?

"A recent study shows that being an 'event manager' is one of the top 5 most stressful jobs." Seriously. I saw it in black and white in an article. But we're in good company!

Column: 5 Social Media Do's & Don'ts - Rise Above Advertising

Column: 5 Social Media Do's & Don'ts - Rise Above Advertising

Whether or not social media is being used is purely determined by your audience. And simply tweeting about how good your event is makes no sense at all. So what is it about then?

Column: It Doesn't Matter which Social Media You Target!

Column: It Doesn't Matter which Social Media You Target!

Which Social Media must I invest in? Is Google+ the new Facebook? Do I need to set up my 'own' social platform? My answer: it makes no difference!

Column: Marketers are Killing Social Media - Please Stop!

Column: Marketers are Killing Social Media - Please Stop!

Social media is not a marketing tool. Unfortunately, many marketers and sellers are damaging this wonderful new communication technology with their Facebook ads, Promotional Tweets and unsolicited LinkedIn invitations.

Inspiration: Client Embarrasses Advertiser

Inspiration: Client Embarrasses Advertiser

Classic marketing is dead. This video shows, in a rather painful way, essentially what we are talking about. This is also a source of inspiration for event managers!