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How PowerPoint Makes us Dumb
Andrew Smith wrote an amazing column in The Guardian on how PowerPoint makes us dumb and irresponsible.

Organizing Events in New York, the Sequel - Part 2: Trendy Locations
Which locations are hip and trendy if you're organizing an event in New York? Our reporter flew to the Big Apple to explore.

Be Inspired by this Original Star Wars Brand Activation
Admit it, an interactive laser adventure in a bus (?!) packs a bit more impact than flyering…

What Men Ought to do in Bed, Instead of During Meetings
Video conference company Highfive studied the level of concentration and online distraction during meetings. There was a significant difference between men and women...

WANTED: Thought Provoking Stories for is looking for compelling stories and inspiring event personalities. Do you know anyone who fits that description? Someone who the event industry can learn from? Or perhaps you’d like to do your own story on TV?

Intel Relieves Technology-Stress at Presentations
It's 10 in the morning. Meeting. You're presenting the new sales. Now, what's the most critical moment? When you try to get your presentation on the TV screen. This isn't always easy.

Help Your Sponsors Get H-App-y
Planners are always thinking how to make the event app experience the best for their attendees, but what about your sponsors? How can you make your app more appealing to them?